Here’s a great reason—actually, the reason, to pay attention to your biometrics. Particularly, your blood pressure and cholesterol. When those numbers are out of range, it messes with your heart. But you can do something about it. If you don’t, heart disease is likely a part of your future. When your healthcare provider adds “CVD” to your problem list, it’s a sure bet—the cost of your healthcare just went up, and some kind of disability looms in your future.
CVD or cardiovascular disease is a lot of conditions, many related to atherosclerosis or a buildup in your arteries of a sticky substance called plaque. Plaque slows down your blood flow and causes a blockage. When that happens, it’s called a heart attack or stroke, and you know what that means.
Where does plaque come from? In most cases, it’s an overabundance of cholesterol that you eat. Your heart must work harder to keep blood flowing to your brain, your kidneys, your lungs, your liver--actually, everywhere there are arteries. It’s an engineering feat overcoming those clogged pipes. The result is high blood pressure. Under constant high pressure, something will give, and the outcome may be a stroke, a heart attack, kidney disease, and other health problems.
Ponder this. Heart disease and stroke claimed more lives in 2021 in the US that all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined. It’s a big number.
CVD is also congestive heart failure. The heart keeps working as best it can despite its limitations, but it can’t keep up with your body’s need for oxygen. It’s a disease that’s typically the result of the added stress of those out-of-range numbers.
And CVD can also be an arrythmia, or an abnormal heartbeat. Essentially, your heart is out of sync. When that happens, your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs.
And CVD can be a heart valve problem. Heart valves control the flow of blood in the chambers of your heart. When valves are not healthy, the circulation of blood in your heart and out to your body is negatively affected. Valves can get stiff, as in stenosis, or leaky, as in regurgitation—or prolapse. That’s a valve bulging in the wrong direction.
That’s a lot of “ands", so it makes sense that CVD is the number one and most costly killer in the US, and a major cause of disability. Beyond suffering and death, CVD will cost the US over $1 trillion in direct medical costs and lost productivity.
Is there any good news? The American Heart Association evaluates the heart health of the nation by tracking eight key health factors and behaviors that increase risks for heart disease and stroke. Called “Life’s Essential 8,” they track this to help you improve your lifestyle and heart health. Life’s Essential 8 are not-smoking, physical activity, healthy diet, healthy body weight, sleep health, and control of cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
Start by learning your numbers. Knowing them, there’s the hope of change. Everything on Life’s Essential 8 is something you can change. You have control, and it starts by knowing when your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar are out of range. If your employer is giving you the opportunity, take it. Best not to be a statistic.
Final thought. If your numbers tell you something concerning, come to Viaro. Your health targets will be evaluated in the right social and clinical context. We help you look at your numbers through the right lens. At Viaro, one size does not fit all—and the resources are yours, and your family’s, so you can all be as healthy as possible.
Teresa Pulvermacher, FNP-C
President, ViaroHealth
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To schedule your biometrics appointment, call 608-668-2103 or