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Biometric Screening. Why Bother?

Bother because you need to know your numbers—for many—if not all, knowing the numbers may save your life. If it sounds dramatic, it should. Biometrics are not the numbers you should ignore, and if you want to be an expert on something—let it be this. 

So, what are we talking about? Biometrics is just a fancy catchphrase for a collection of your vital statistics. The type of screening we are talking about typically measures your BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and sometimes more, depending on who is getting screened. The purpose is to give you information about your risk for chronic health conditions, like diabetes, or high blood pressure. Seeking treatment sooner when you know your biometric numbers are outside of normal ranges can lead to better outcomes, including a longer, healthier life with less or no disability.  

It’s knowing what your levels are and should be, like your cholesterol or your blood sugar levels; how your weight compares to a healthy weight, and arguably of highest importance—your blood pressure. The numbers are closely interrelated to each other, and to the chronic diseases that you can avoid, or treat, effectively. It all starts with some very simple screening tests.  

Directness WARNING. Think about it. 

What if you could learn your blood sugar was abnormal with a simple blood test, but that you did not have diabetes—yet? Your body has a tight range for how sweet it wants to be. It’s a choice you have between doing something about it, or letting your internal organs be bathed in sugar, leading to kidney and heart diseases, skin and eye problems, including losing a limb, or blindness. And death by multiple organ failure. 

What if it only took three minutes to learn you blood pressure is higher than it should be, and that you could avoid coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction, memory loss, congestive heart failure, a disabling stroke, or even death by treating it? With blood pressure, what you don’t know can kill you. Medical experts call high blood pressure “the silent killer” for a reason.  

What if you learned your cholesterol was elevated? High cholesterol leads to heart disease, and heart disease—which includes heart attacks, is still the number one killer of Americans. You really don’t want to be part of this statistic. 

And finally, what if just knowing what a healthy weight is and how you compare motivated you to consider doing something different? 

This short blog is not to “school” you on the actual numbers. That’s coming later. It’s so you don’t take the numbers you learn lightly. If you have an employer that has invested in your health and is offering you the opportunity to learn your numbers through a biometric event, take it. Celebrate the opportunity and whatever it offers you. 

Your employer is wise. If you do something about your numbers, it does cost your employer less for your health plan. But many people “do biometrics” just to get the insurance premium reduction, or some other carrot. Don’t let that be you. Sure, you may also get the premium reduction—that’s a good thing.  Lucky you! But it’s worth repeating. Knowing and doing something about your numbers can save your life.  

Don’t drop your numbers in the dumpster on your way out. If you attend a biometric event with Carl Hershey’s Viaro teams, you’ll get something very important.  

Teresa Pulvermacher, FNP-C 

President, ViaroHealth 

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