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Get to Know Viaro: Your Whole Person Health Team

Whether you’re on a debate team, business team, or a sports team, your unique talents are essential to the team’s effectiveness. When your team aligns and reaches their goal, it’s an amazing experience. Now think of the team concept when it comes to your healthcare. What if you had a talented team joining forces to keep you healthy? Amazing, right?  It can happen. It is happening at Viaro.  

In the last Health Connect article, you read about Viaro’s integrated healthcare model. Viaro gives you access to primary care and behavioral health in the same place. But there’s more. The model extends your access to a fitness center staffed with personal trainers and nutrition coaches, and therapeutics like massage, physical therapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture. Your team helps you achieve the lifestyle you deserve and desire. Viaro whole person healthcare is for everyone. Including you.  

Whole person health is exactly what it says. It cares for the whole person, not just separate organs or body systems. You are not a headache, heart disease, or glucose number. You are not your illness. Treatment often requires more than medicine to “fix” a problem. An example is a clogged artery. Surgery could save your life. If you have surgery but don’t change your lifestyle and address your stress and emotional well-being, your heart may suffer again.  

Care for the whole person integrates other health services alongside primary care. Intentionally together, these services address both what makes you feel unwell now and why it’s occurring so you’re able to prevent illness and stay well. In the conventional medical model, an average primary care visit is about 18 minutes. This doesn’t allow time for all the aspects of your health, beyond the problem that brought you to a clinic in the first place. That’s not how it’s done at Viaro.  

At Viaro, appointments are 30-40 minutes. There is plenty of time for you to partner with your health care provider to create a personalized plan that may include behavioral health, physical therapy, personal training, nutrition coaching, and therapeutics. Viaro’s health team supports your body’s natural ability to heal. With this team, you are unstoppable. Your providers communicate their care recommendations with each other and most importantly with you, so you are equipped to make decisions about your health on your own terms.  

There is more whole health knowledge and resources at your fingertips with ViaroThrive. Guided by the 7 dimensions of wellness, ViaroThrive delivers health education opportunities such as webinars, wellness challenges, articles and blogs 

Your Viarohealth team is “get-able.” Our current health care system is not equipped to deliver whole person health, and access is severely limited. Not at Viaro. See first-hand what accessible, whole person healthcare can do for you. Check out Viaro’s provider team. 

Heidi Kutz 

Education Specialist, Viarohealth 

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