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Health Connect Series: Be Here Now

Take a minute to step back into your childhood. Remember what a magical time summer was? You weren’t thinking about where you had to be because you never seemed to have to be anywhere. You weren’t thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, just today. You were “in the now.” Even though summer looks different for an adult, don’t let the magic disappear. What says stress-less glorious summer more than getting back the be here now mentality you had as a kid. The concept of “be here now” means being aware and mindful of what is happening at this very moment. To expand a bit further, you leave distractions behind and focus on the here and now. That is exactly what was happening during those childhood summer moments. So how can you get that back? 

Be here now know-how. The new norm for 2024 seems to be fast-paced and hectic schedules that create stress, anxiety, and unhappiness—leaving little to no room for practicing “be here now.”  Being present is a recognized and evidence-based lifestyle that psychologists are quick to recommend to those struggling with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. It just takes some work. Like the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect.”  

Listen. The concept of being here now goes hand in hand with listening. Listening is not always easy to teach or model. It takes real effort to quiet your mind, be still, and genuinely enjoy and appreciate not only the situation you’re in but also the people you’re with. When you truly listen, you gain so much. Enjoy the laughter of your four-year-old, or your fourteen-year-old. Absorb knowledge from an old friend, or an aging parent. 

A time and place for phones. Alerts and reminders on your phone don’t make it any easier to be here now. Think of how many times during the day that little ‘ding’ from your phone interrupts your present thought or action. Does that message or notification ever help you stay in the present moment? Probably not. Taking a break from your phone is a necessity as you practice being here now.  

REMEMBER WHEN there were no social networks to connect to everyone and everything? The entire world was found within the confines of a bike ride in your neighborhood. 

Multi-tasking to single tasking. In 2024 multitasking isn’t just a bragging right, it’s viewed as a means to survive. Unfortunately, when you are doing one thing but thinking about another, you are generally not effective at either. Increased interruption due to multi-tasking increases stress and leaves you perpetually worn out and out of touch with yourself and those around you. Single tasking, however, is closely related to mindfulness and frees up space in your brain, allowing you to focus your attention on one thing. 

REMEMBER WHEN you actually had to watch your favorite TV show at night? You couldn’t pause it to do something else.  

Circling back to the past. It may seem a bit backwards to think about your past when talking about being here now. But the past brings with it nostalgia of simpler times. Indulge in your nostalgia. There are plenty of ways to bring back the ‘in the moment’ activities you loved as a child by enjoying some old school summer fun. Pick up a few squirt guns and water balloons. Make a kid and adult-sized slip ‘n slide. Run through the sprinkler. Play kickball. Enjoy a picnic with all your feel-good childhood foods. Pack up the minivan and go for a Sunday drive. Bring back the neighborhood block party with 3-legged and potato sack races. Jump on the trampoline.  

REMEMBER WHEN memories were created in the backyard? 

Life is busy. There’s no denying that. Make time to slow down. To notice. To appreciate. Enjoy the present moment for the gift it is. Now go enjoy a stress-less summer! 

Heidi Kutz 

Education Specialist, ViaroHealth 

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