Wonder why your lower legs hurt after you run, walk, or jog? Most likely, this pain is medial tibial stress syndrome, more commonly known as shin splints. What are shin splints? Shin splints occur along the inner edge of your tibia, the more prominent bone in your lower leg. The pain associated with it is caused by the muscles and bones in the lower leg pulling apart and becoming irritated and painful. Shin splints occur in people who intensify or change their training routines, do a more challenging than a usual workout, and/or do continuous or repetitive exercises. Intensifying routines result in more stress on muscles, tendons, and bone tissue. This causes the muscles and bones to pull apart, slowly causing shin splints to pain. Well, how can I avoid them?
Exercise Frequency
Shoe Choice
Arch Support
Less Impact
Stretching & Strength Training
One in five runners get shin splints, and 60% of athletes, dancers, and other active individuals get shin splints, so they are much more common than one may think. So, let’s talk about how to treat them if you end up getting shin splints. If you notice your shins are starting to hurt after a day of intense standing, pounding on your legs, and/or anything else, you will want to stretch a lot to try and help the pain. Stretching can help relieve your shins and help prevent them in the future. Next, you should try to avoid pounding on your legs or straining them for two weeks so you can fully recover. While in your recovery stage, you can do exercises that don’t cause as much stress on your shins, such as biking, swimming, or using an elliptical. Putting ice packs and compression bandages on can help reduce swelling as well. Following these steps can start to get you onto a full recovery. It is also recommended to check with your doctor for any over-the-counter medicines you can use to help decrease inflammation and pain. If nothing is helping to reduce the pain of the shin splints, see your doctor for treatments, exercises, and stretches you can do to help even more to stop the pain.
Overall, shin splints are a widespread reaction to excessive pounding on the legs and excessive change in an exercise routine. Having good, comfortable shoes, lessening the impact on your legs, and doing a lot of stretching are suitable preventative measures that can help you from feeling the pain in your shins. Stretching, swimming, and icing your shins can help reduce the pain if you get shin splints. Now go out there, stay active, healthy, and feel great!